Welcome to Sunset Heights

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Scenic Shot of New Bedford Harbor

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Tree at Fort Phoenix

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Sunset At the beach

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A Sunset in June

I took this picture tonight June 18 at fort Phoenix in Fairhaven Massachusetts. Thought it was appropriate to put a few sunset pictures on my Sunset Heights Blog. Posted by Picasa

Friday, June 16, 2006

Three more shots from my camera

I promise to get back to focusing on the actual pictures soon, but bear with me as I am excited about my new toy. We're headed up to NH the week before July 4..... So there will be more Orford news soon.

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My First Picture with my First Digital Camera

Today I finally am in posession of my first digital camera. I have wanted one for many years, and have trained countless people on how to use them, advised people on purchasing them and basically have tried to get one for a really long time. Finally everything came together, and it seems to take really good pictures. I'm delighted and look forward to use my camera lots up at Sunset Heights. This is the birthday that I finally got the camera. Course I have to work most of the weekend, but there will be plenty of picture taking opportunities soon. My camera is a Canon S3 IS. Posted by Picasa